“I Love My Husband But I Don’t Like Him.” Here’s What to Do

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It’s not terribly uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you truly love your husband, but somehow, you just don’t like him anymore.

Whether it’s mundane everyday routines or the evolving nature of relationships, these feelings can be confusing and upsetting.

The good news is, it’s not impossible to rekindle the spark and rebuild affection for your husband, starting with some simple efforts:

  • Identify the root cause of your feelings
  • Slowly shift your perspective by acknowledging your husband’s positive qualities
  • Seek to understand your husband’s behaviors
  • Communicate to find solutions and compromises where possible
  • Create boundaries that allow you to keep your peace of mind and maintain a healthy relationship

If you’re worried about your marriage ending, do something now before these feelings become a runaway train.

You can radically shift your marriage dynamics and actually change how you feel about each other with some surprisingly simple but highly effective psychology techniques in marriage coach Dr. Lee Baucom’s Save The Marriage Program.

Click the link above now, or dive in below to figure out how to love and like your husband again.

Is It Possible to Love Your Husband But Not Like Him?

Yes, it’s completely possible to love your husband but not like him at times. 

Relationships have their ups and downs, and it’s normal to go through phases where you might feel irritated or disconnected from your partner. 

Loving someone and liking them are two different things, and your feelings can certainly vary. 

This is because feelings are not static, and anything from your spouse’s more annoying behaviors to a history of betrayal or deceit can make you feel other emotions that are more complicated.

Not only is it valid to experience both love and dislike for your partner, but it’s also possible to get to a stronger and more enjoyable relationship by acknowledging your feelings, and finding healthy ways to work through them.

Keep in mind that every marriage encounters difficulties, and you are not abnormal for having a complex relationship with your spouse.

Read Next: How to Be Attracted to My Husband Again

How Can I Love My Husband, But Not Like Him?

As mentioned above, you’re valid to love a person deeply but dislike their actions or behaviors. 

We tend to believe that love is narrowly defined by accepting your partner’s imperfections and fully embracing their flaws without trying to change them.

Only, you find yourself wishing you could change certain things about your spouse, from the way they chew food with their mouth open to engaging in more open and honest communication with you.

Here’s what it boils down to: Liking your husband is associated with the pleasant aspects of his personality and behaviors.

And while love is about embracing your partner as a whole person, it doesn’t mean you have to like everything they do—nobody is that much of a saint.

In plain language, you’re going to get on each other’s nerves sometimes. That’s OK.

However, you may end up feeling like you don’t like your husband if the “bad” times and negative behaviors outweigh the “good.”

What to Do When You Realize You Don’t Like Your Husband?

It may feel hopeless, but it’s not.

Changing a scenario where you love but don’t necessarily like your husband anymore takes efforts to change your perception, communicate openly and find solutions together.

Bear in mind, if your husband cheated on you or did something to betray your trust, then it is certainly his responsibility to prove himself more trustworthy and get back in your good graces.

Otherwise, following the steps below, you can work towards building a healthier and more satisfying relationship with your husband, even if there are aspects of his personality that you don’t like.

1. Think about where these feelings are coming from

Is the honeymoon phase of your marriage over? 

Where you could relax, drink wine and talk for hours, and now you have to deal with your husband’s smelly socks on the bathroom floor?

Perhaps there’s something deeper going on, like feeling unsupported or disrespected

Pay attention to possible triggers that might be causing negative feelings. 

Is there a specific event, circumstance, or behavior that irritates you?

Identifying the root cause and your triggers can help you gain more clarity on the issues your relationship is facing and provide insight into how to address them.

2. Communicate honestly

Being honest about how you feel is the only path forward. 

Talk to your husband about your feelings, and encourage a two-way conversation for both of you to express your thoughts and emotions. 

This is your opportunity to understand each other better, so that you can ultimately work together to resolve lingering issues.

3. Focus on the positive aspects

Focusing on the positive aspects of your spouse’s personality can help improve your relationship despite the fact that you may not always like them. 

Remind yourself of the qualities that initially attracted you to your husband. 

Make a mental or written list of his positive qualities, and try to remember these when you’re feeling frustrated with his behavior. 

This will enable you to maintain perspective and shift your focus away from the negatives.

4. Seek understanding

Try to understand the reasons for your husband’s behaviors and explore potential solutions that can benefit both of you.

There are some things he could probably change, especially if they’re minor.

If you need help, you can start an at-home program like Dr. Lee Baucom’s Save The Marriage now that gives you the steps to shift your relationship dynamics, rebuild and repair.

5. Practice empathy

Put yourself in your husband’s shoes and try to understand his perspective. 

This can help you develop compassion and appreciation for who he is as a person, despite the qualities that you might not like.

6. Reinforce positive behavior

Make an effort to reinforce positive behavior when your husband does something you like and appreciate. 

Offer sincere, kind feedback and avoid sarcasm or veiled criticism.

This can encourage your husband and boost his self-esteem while cluing him into the type of atmosphere you’re trying to create.

7. Be patient

Change takes time, and it’s essential to give yourself and your partner the space necessary to grow and adapt. 

Don’t expect overnight results, and try to remain patient as you both work together to make improvements.

8. Stay connected

Keep the emotional connection alive by spending quality time together.

Engage in activities you both enjoy, and explore shared interests. 

This will help you bond on a deeper level and create positive memories.

9. Set boundaries

Establish clear boundaries for yourself and your husband, and maintain open communication to ensure that you both understand and respect each other’s limits.

Partners crossing boundaries, even accidentally, can be a major source of frustration and dislike in a relationship.

10. Practice self-care

Take care of your own emotional, physical, and mental well-being. 

Make time for hobbies, exercise, and socializing with friends and family to maintain a well-balanced life.

Distinguishing Temporary Situations from Long-Term Issues

How you handle this situation is probably going to be different depending on whether you’re facing temporary situations and long-term issues in your relationship. 

Temporary situations often arise from external factors such as stress, illness, or work demands. 

These challenges can strain your relationship, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnection, but they are often resolved once the situation has improved.

On the other hand, long-term issues may stem from deeper, more ingrained problems within the relationship. 

These can include communication difficulties, conflicting values, or unmet emotional needs. 

Addressing long-term issues typically requires more effort, self-reflection and orientation around long-term compromises.

In both cases, communication is key.

Openly discussing your feelings and concerns with your partner can help you both better understand the root of the problems and develop strategies for addressing them. 

Improving Communication with Your Spouse

Establishing Trust and Respect

Establishing trust and respect is a crucial foundation for effective communication with your husband. 

This involves being upfront and transparent in your conversations while consistently showing kindness and consideration for their feelings. 

To improve trust and respect, consider the following:

  • Be a good listener: Pay attention to your partner’s thoughts and feelings without interrupting or judging them. This will demonstrate that their opinions matter to you.
  • Be reliable: Follow through with your promises and commitments, and be there for your partner when they need you the most.
  • Express appreciation: Regularly express gratitude for the things your spouse does, both big and small, to illustrate that you notice and value their efforts.

Read Also: Signs of a Disrespectful Husband

Handling Conversations and Conflict

Building effective communication with your husband also means learning to navigate conversations and conflicts in a healthier manner. 

Here are some strategies you can put to good use:

  • Use “I” statements: When discussing your concerns or feelings, frame your statements using “I feel” or “I need,” rather than placing blame or accusing your spouse. This helps keep the conversation focused on the issue and reduces defensive reactions.
  • Practice active listening: Ensure that you are fully present during conversations, offering verbal affirmations and asking clarifying questions to show your spouse you are engaged and truly want to see their side of things.
  • Aim for compromise: Try to find common ground and mutually acceptable solutions when dealing with disagreements, which helps prevent a win-lose mentality and creates balance in the relationship.
  • Separate actions from character: Focus on the specific actions that upset or concern you, instead of making personal attacks on your spouse’s character.

By working together to establish trust, respect, and effective strategies for navigating conversations and conflicts, you can strengthen the bond and connection between you and your husband.

Recommended Reading: Signs of Poor Communication in Marriage

Handling Anger and Anxiety

If your feelings about your husband are turning to hateful feelings, it’s imperative that you face them and handle them effectively.

Deep resentment is damaging when left unaddressed, and tends to create a downward spiral in the relationship that’s hard to come back from.

Start by examining your own feelings and behaviors, and reflect on whether you have feelings of resentment towards your husband. 

Consider the frequency and intensity of these emotions. Are they constant, or do they flare up only occasionally? 

If you believe your reactions are actually turning hateful and resentful, it may be time to explore options like speaking with a professional therapist or counselor who can help you determine where your feelings are coming from.

Remember, it’s never too late to improve your relationship and foster an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding, and love.

Rekindling the Connection

Date Nights and Activities

One way to reconnect with your husband and rekindle the connection is to schedule regular date nights and engage in enjoyable activities together. 

Try a fun new restaurant, learn to do the tango together, or spark excitement by taking a spontaneous trip away from home. 

By spending quality time together and experiencing new things, you can rediscover what attracted you to each other in the first place and feel closer to one another.

Laughter and Shared Moments

Another important aspect of reigniting your spark is fostering laughter and shared moments.

Find ways to bring humor and light-heartedness into your relationship. 

You can watch funny movies together or play games. Laughter is powerful medicine, and it can serve as a bridge to help you find joy even when your relationship may be facing challenges.

Be Affectionate

Additionally, it’s important to show affection.

Touch, such as hugging and hand-holding, or even a gentle hand on your husband’s shoulder, can go a long way in redeveloping closeness and intimacy. 

This is because physical contact can boost the natural hormones in your body that make you feel more connected to each other.


How do you save a marriage when you don’t like your spouse?

Saving a marriage when you don’t like your spouse involves:

  • Honest communication about your feelings
  • Identifying the factors causing resentment
  • Acknowledging each other’s feelings, even if you don’t agree
  • Commitment to working on the issues together and finding common ground

Read Also: How to Save Your Marriage When You Feel Hopeless

What is the walkaway wife syndrome?

The walkaway wife syndrome is a term used to describe situations in which wives become increasingly unhappy in their marriages and ultimately decide to leave. 

This can happen due to various reasons, such as feeling unappreciated, lack of emotional and physical affection, or communication breakdowns. 

It’s imperative to recognize and address these issues if you want to save your marriage.

Is it normal to lose feelings for your husband?

Yes, it’s normal to experience ups and downs in feelings for your spouse.

Every marriage goes through phases, and it’s common to have moments when you might not feel the same level of affection as you once did.

The key is to be proactive, resolving issues that may be causing resentment or other negative emotions, and working together to grow and maintain the love in your relationship.

How do you know when your marriage is over?

Some signs that your marriage might be ending include constant arguing, an absence of intimacy, and feeling emotionally disconnected.

However, it’s important to remember that each situation is unique, and only you and your partner can determine what’s right for your relationship.

Consider seeking professional help and engaging in open and honest conversations about your feelings and concerns before making any final decisions.

Read Also: How Do I Know If My Marriage Is Over?

What is stonewalling in a relationship?

If your current relationship involves stonewalling, you have a problem.

Stonewalling occurs when one partner refuses to communicate or cooperate with the other, often as a defense mechanism to avoid difficult emotions or hide deeper issues.

This behavior can make solving problems and connecting emotionally with your partner particularly difficult.

What causes emotional detachment in marriage?

Emotional detachment in marriage can be caused by various factors.

These can include unresolved conflicts, unfulfilled expectations, neglecting each other’s needs, a lack of communication, and external stressors, such as work or financial stress.

To overcome emotional detachment, it’s crucial to identify and address the underlying issues and commit to working together to reestablish a strong emotional connection.

If you want to rebuild your connection but you don’t know how, we recommend therapist and marriage coach Dr. Lee Baucom’s Save The Marriage Program.

Start using his techniques to create the “relationship do-over” you want and change the way you and your husband talk to, treat and perceive each other.

Click here to check out Save The Marriage.

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Marlene Davis is an experienced blogger with a focus on interpersonal relationships. Her dream is to help improve people's lives and relationships through sharing of practical knowledge and evidence-based practices.